PinnedEoin ShanaghyLambda, EC2 or Fargate?A Simple Approach to Choosing AWS Compute for Enterprise WorkloadsMar 5, 20211Mar 5, 20211
Eoin ShanaghyUsing S3 Object Lambdas to Generate and Transform on the flyFetching and transforming data from S3 using AWS Lambda is one of the most common serverless patterns. The new S3 Object Lambda feature…Mar 19, 20213Mar 19, 20213
Eoin ShanaghyComparing Two Ways to Trigger Lambda from S3There are two primary methods to trigger Lambda when an object is added to an S3 bucket — S3 Notifications and EventBridge. Using S3…Mar 12, 20203Mar 12, 20203
Eoin ShanaghySecuring GitHub Tokens in a Serverless CodePipelineUsing an Infrastruture-as-Code approach for a Serverless application is a given. The Serverless Framework gives you the tooling to define…Nov 18, 20182Nov 18, 20182
Eoin ShanaghyThe State of the AWS Machine Learning UniverseJudging by the packed rooms, Machine Learning and Serverless are the two topics grabbing most of the attention at this year’s AWS Summit…May 10, 2018May 10, 2018
Eoin ShanaghyNode.js Microservice Containers with DockerMicroservice Containers with Increased ProductivityMar 24, 2016Mar 24, 2016